Spanish Grammar
Regular verb Take away the two last letters in the verb. Eg; I always finishes in O, You always finishes in AS (ar verb) ES (er verb) ES (ir verb) etc.
Hablar Comer Escribir To ....
Hablo Como Escribo I ...
Hablas Comes Escribes You ...
Habla Come Escribe He, she, it ...
Hablamos Comemos Escribimos We...
Hablais Comeis Escribis You...
Hablan Comen Escriben They
To talk To eat To write
Questionwords: WHERE = Donde HOW = Como WHEN = Cuando WHO = Quien
WHY = Porque HOW MUCH = Cuanto/Cuantas

Did you get it? Congratulation! Well done! Remember to have fun! Making mistakes is a very important thing to get skilled and repetition is the best way of learning. Repeat in the way you feel most comfortable! I do this coarse for free as a intention to inspire you to learn spanish in a funny way.
In case you are my student then I want you to write as many question as sentences as possible and sent it to google Drive to my adress. I will give you feed back and we will both together see in what form you learn best. You are my best student until you prove me the opposite. Good luck!