Past tense
To be able to speak with people we need to know basically present tense, future and past. With this at least we give our Spanish speaking friends an idea what we are talking about. We will therefor concentrate on imperfect in this coarse. It is fully explained on internet but we use it because it is perhaps the easiest form.
The verbs form past like this
In Spanish, the imperfect can be called the imperfecto or the copretérito. Conjugation of the imperfect indicative:
hablar comer vivir ir ser ver
hablaba comía vivía iba era veía
hablabas comías vivías ibas eras veías
hablaba comía vivía iba era veía
hablábamos comíamos vivíamos íbamos éramos veíamos
hablabais comíais vivíais ibais erais veíais
hablaban comían vivían iban eran veían

Words related with past tense
In English we have simple past when it is an action in the past. We use present perfect if it is not a clear if the sentence is finished or not..
In Spain we form past different. In Spanish it depend on if the past is very far away in time or not.
The past we present here is a past not to far away.
Ayer Yesterday La semana pasada Last week Hace una hora An hour ago
Good luck! If you do the coarse on your own or in your way I would recommend you to contact some spanish friends on media channels and present yourself and tell them you are just learning spanish. This can be an excellent way to learn a new language and who knows they might what to improve their English skills as well / Saludos Hannika