Planned Future
In Spanish we form future with the irregular verb IR we add A and after a verb like this;
IR (To Go) + A + Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Tener, Ser, Estar, Ir etc.
Voy+ a+ Hablar con mi padre I´m going to talk with my father
Vas a comer en un restaurante mañana You are going to eat in a restaurant tomorrow
Va a vivir muchos tiempo It is going to live for a long time
Vamos a tener tiempo para penzar We are going to have time to think
Vais a ser muy felizes en el futuro You are going to be very happy in the future

Vamos a hacer una paella por mediodia We are going to eat a paella midday!
We have different future in Spanish like we do in English. We have the going to for planned action and we use will for immediate actions. Since this is an elementary coarse we just introduce one future here. Feel free to look for yourself the other future forms if you are interested. Press here to wikipedias grammar page