CV English
CV Hannika
As a teacher, Coach, writer and entrepeneur I have a wide variation of experience and skills. Press here

I have two teachers exams one in English C2 (Cambridge Proficiency Exam with grade to be a native teacher)
In Spanish I have a teacher exam from EOI, Drassanas Barcelona which is equivalent in B2 (According European Framework).
I have worked as a language teacher for more than 30 years in Spain and Sweden.
I have recommendation from schools, enterprises and private students;
From 2015 - 2017 I fullfilled and education called DPP (Digital Pedagogic Production). I graduated with good marks spring 2017.
It is for me a challange to work with distant education and I love what I do, you are more than welcome to hear more on Facebook Live under the name "Spanska med Hannika".
If you want me to work in your School it is possible, you have to check to se what the law say in your country. In Sweden where I am from we can work on distance in Swedish School as long as there is a person with the students at the same time. Not in all subjects, but in modern language it is possible. Welcome to contact me if you are interested. So we can make a plan for a longer period of time.